


Winning Strategies to win Dragon Tiger Online Casino Game

Uncover the expert tips to maximize your chances of winning strategy and revolutionize your gaming experience in Dragon Tiger card game.

Dragon Tiger is a thrilling online casino game born out of the love for Baccarat, stormed onto the USA online casino scene in 2018, quickly captivating players with its fast-paced and easy-to-learn gameplay. 

Unlike traditional casino games, Dragon Tiger introduces a unique dynamic where players don’t compete against the dealer but rather bet on the outcome of two hands – the Dragon and the Tiger. With each hand consisting of just one card, the game offers a swift and exciting experience, eliminating the wait times seen in other card games. 

In this guide, we delve into the world of Dragon Tiger, offering insights into the game’s mechanics, tips for smart gameplay, and strategies to enhance your chances of success in this chance-driven casino adventure. 

Whether you’re a seasoned player or a newcomer, these tips aim to enhance your understanding and enjoyment of Dragon Tiger while emphasizing the importance of responsible gaming.


Important Tips for Your Dragon Tiger Gaming Readiness

Dragon Tiger, an online casino game based entirely on chance, offers a unique gaming experience where players bet on the outcome of two hands, Dragon and Tiger. Before diving into the excitement of the game, consider the following key aspects:

Return to Play Percentage (RTP)

The game features varying return to play percentages for different bets. Betting on Dragon or Tiger hands typically has an RTP of 96.25%, while the tie hand carries a lower RTP of 82.17%. Understanding these percentages can influence your betting strategy.


Ace is Low

In contrast to many other casino games, where the ace is often the highest card, in Dragon Tiger, it holds the lowest value. The king, on the other hand, is the highest-ranking card in this game.

How to Play Dragon Tiger

Dragon Tiger is known for its simplicity. The gameplay involves a few straightforward steps:

  • Place your bet on Dragon Hand, Tiger Hand, Tie, or Suited Tie.
  • The dealer then places a card on the Dragon and Tiger sides.
  • The hand with the highest card determines the winner.

By familiarizing yourself with these basic rules, you can swiftly engage in the fast-paced action of Dragon Tiger.

Understanding these fundamental aspects of Dragon Tiger will enhance your overall gaming experience and contribute to a more informed and enjoyable session. Whether you’re a novice or experienced player, keeping these considerations in mind can positively influence your approach to this game of chance.

Dragon Tiger Winning Strategy

Developing a winning strategy for Dragon Tiger can be challenging, considering the game’s inherent randomness and reliance on chance. However, there are strategic approaches that players can adopt to potentially increase their chances of success. Here are key elements to consider:

Bankroll Management Strategy

One of the fundamental aspects of any successful casino strategy is effective bankroll management. Ensure that your bets align with your overall bankroll, allowing for longer gameplay without risking significant losses. Resist the temptation to chase losses, and set specific limits for each playing session.

Know the Game and Payouts

Before wagering real money, thoroughly understand the rules of Dragon Tiger. Additionally, be aware of the different payouts offered by online casinos for various bets. Seek out platforms that provide favorable payout rates, especially for tie bets.

Play Fewer Games

Given the fast-paced nature of Dragon Tiger, playing fewer games can be a strategic choice. By reducing the number of bets placed per hour, players may mitigate potential losses and increase the likelihood of enjoying winning hands.

Card Counting Technique

While card counting is generally discouraged in online casinos, some players may attempt this technique in Dragon Tiger. Observing the cards dealt in several hands may provide insights into the likelihood of higher or lower cards appearing in subsequent rounds.


Follow The Last Cards

Exploiting potential human errors in shuffling, this technique involves observing the last cards dealt. There’s a belief that the sequence of cards may not be entirely random, and higher cards could follow other high cards.

Stick to One Side

Consistency can be a virtue in Dragon Tiger. Choose either the Dragon or Tiger side and stick to that choice throughout the game. Continually switching sides may increase the chances of consistently picking the losing side.

Check The Winning Trend

Before placing bets, examine the winning trends by reviewing previous game outcomes. Some players believe that certain sides may have a higher probability of winning based on recent results.

Avoid Betting On The Tie or Suited Tie

While tie bets offer lucrative odds, they come with a substantial house advantage. Consider avoiding tie bets due to their low probability of winning, despite the tempting payouts.

Do Not Follow Patterns

It’s crucial to remember that Dragon Tiger is a game of chance, and each hand’s outcome is independent of previous results. Disregard any perceived patterns, as the odds remain constant for each hand.

Best Online Casino for Dragon Tiger

Trusted Casino to play Dragon Tiger is 10CRIC Casino. The platform boasts a user-friendly interface, making it easy for both novice and experienced players to navigate and enjoy the game seamlessly. 

10CRIC Casino ensures a fair and transparent gaming experience, and its commitment to responsible gambling adds an extra layer of player protection. 

The casino also provides enticing bonuses and promotions, enhancing the overall gaming excitement. From impressive graphics to seamless live dealer interactions, 10CRIC Casino creates an authentic casino atmosphere for Dragon Tiger enthusiasts.


In conclusion, Dragon Tiger is an exhilarating online casino game that combines elements of chance and strategy. While no strategy can guarantee success due to the game’s inherent randomness, players can enhance their experience by incorporating thoughtful approaches such as effective bankroll management, understanding the game dynamics, and making strategic choices like playing fewer games or sticking to one side consistently. 

It’s crucial to approach Dragon Tiger, like all casino games, with a sense of enjoyment and responsibility. Remember that the thrill of the game lies in its unpredictability, and while strategies may influence outcomes, they can never eliminate the element of luck. Gamble responsibly, savor the excitement, and keep in mind that the primary goal is to have a good time.

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Dragon Tiger is an online casino game where players bet on the outcome of two hands – the Dragon and the Tiger. Unlike traditional games, players don’t compete against the dealer but predict the winner between these two hands.

Dragon Tiger features varying RTP percentages for different bets. Betting on Dragon or Tiger hands typically has an RTP of 96.25%, while the tie hand carries a lower RTP of 82.17%. Understanding these percentages is crucial for influencing your betting strategy.

No, in Dragon Tiger, the ace holds the lowest value, contrary to many other casino games. The king is the highest-ranking card in this game.

To play Dragon Tiger, you need to place your bet on Dragon Hand, Tiger Hand, Tie, or Suited Tie. The dealer then places a card on the Dragon and Tiger sides, and the hand with the highest card determines the winner.

Effective bankroll management is crucial. Ensure your bets align with your overall bankroll, resist chasing losses, and set specific limits for each playing session to extend your gameplay.

While generally discouraged in online casinos, some players may attempt card counting in Dragon Tiger. Observing the cards dealt in several hands may provide insights into the likelihood of higher or lower cards appearing in subsequent rounds.

Consistency is key. Choose either the Dragon or Tiger side and stick to that choice throughout the game. Continually switching sides may increase the chances of consistently picking the losing side.

A trusted casino like 10CRIC is recommended. It offers a user-friendly interface, fair and transparent gaming, and a commitment to responsible gambling. The casino also provides enticing bonuses and promotions, creating an authentic gaming experience.

Examining winning trends before placing bets is advised. Some players believe that certain sides may have a higher probability of winning based on recent results.

It’s advisable to avoid tie bets due to their low probability of winning, despite tempting payouts. Additionally, it’s crucial to understand that Dragon Tiger is a game of chance, and each hand’s outcome is independent of previous results.

Written By:

Animesh Mehta

Animesh Mehta

Blog Manager at 10CRIC

Animesh Mehta is the Blog Manager at 10CRIC. In his role as Blog Manager, Animesh Mehta is responsible for overseeing the creation and management of the blog content for 10CRIC. He plays a crucial role in ensuring that the blog is up-to-date with the latest news, information, and updates related to the online betting and gaming industry. Animesh Mehta works closely with a team of writers and editors to curate and produce engaging and informative articles that cater to the interests and needs of 10CRIC’s audience.

With a deep passion for sports and gaming, Animesh Mehta brings his expertise to the forefront, delivering insightful and entertaining content that keeps readers informed and entertained. His dedication to quality and his understanding of the ever-evolving betting landscape make him an integral part of 10CRIC’s team, helping the platform stay at the forefront of the industry.

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10CRIC is an online betting and gaming platform that operates in compliance with the laws and regulations of the jurisdictions in which it is available. Users are responsible for ensuring that their use of the platform is in accordance with the laws of their respective jurisdictions. 10CRIC is intended for individuals who are of legal gambling age in their country of residence. Users must be aware of and adhere to their local laws and regulations regarding online betting and gaming.

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